
Power to the People – The Story of Dr. Robert Wallac‪e

Power to the People – The Story of Dr. Robert Wallac‪e

In this episode, I interview Dr. Robert Wallace. He is an investor, author, and energy business consultant who lives in Baltimore, Maryland. In our conversation, Robert and I discuss the advantage of the immigrant mindset, the benefits of being in the energy sector, and the three things in life you need to be successful. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/power-to-the-people-the-story-of-dr-robert-wallace/id1533722651?i=1000506457213t/ To learn more about Dr. Robert Wallace, visit these sites: RobertWallace.com bithgroup.com bithenergy.com --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app...

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