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See Robert Wallace in Action!


Robert has shared his expertise with Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, universities, and more!

Do You Want to be Mentored by Robert Wallace?

Bob Wallace is happy to announce the Bob Wallace Entrepreneurship Prodigy Program. This new innovative program will make it possible for emerging, embryonic, and established entrepreneurs to systematically tap into Bob’s almost one-half century of personal experience, academic research, and industry collaboration on how to maximize the three selves of successful entrepreneurship: intellectual self, physical self, and spiritual self.

REAL Results for Clients

“Robert Wallace is an exceptional entrepreneur who has succeeded against the odds. As a businessman and civic leader he has inspired great change in the city and the state.”

Kurt Schmoke

Former Mayor of Baltimore
Current President of University of Baltimore

“Entrepreneurs are needed in America now more than ever — but there’s a big difference between starting a company and leading one. Bob has figured out the recipe for doing both things at once. He continues to demystify what it takes to succeed, and it’s exactly why he’s now sitting on our board, helping others do the same.”

Watchen Bruce

CEO and President
Baltimore Community Lending

“My husband and I are convinced that our business, and even our exposure to life’s extraordinary opportunities, would not have been possible without Bob’s consistent guidance. He spent just a short time reviewing how our business was run and walked me through a different plan. This changed the trajectory of my life and allowed our business to thrive.”

Lois Peters

Serial Entrepreneur

“If you want somebody to connect to your audience, to understand what’s relevant in the marketplace today, to help educate and engage, then he’s the person.”

Sharon R. Pinder

President and CEO
Capital Region Minority Supplier Development Council

“He’s creative. He comes up with innovative, customized solutions to problems at a time when there are a lot of cookie cutter technology companies.”

James T. Brady

Former Secretary of Maryland Department of Commerce
Past Chair Board of Regents University Systems of Maryland

 “Bob keeps you on the edge of your seat, wanting more.  Truly captivating!”

Matt Greene

Senior Manager – Supplier Diversity
Purchasing Supplier Development
Toyota Motor North America

Published Books

Robert Wallace is an author with six publications about creating wealth, entrepreneurship, and faith.

Let God be God:

Using God's Disruptive Power to Change Your Life and the World

In today’s tumultuous times there are many who readily accept mediocrity, unaware that they possess powers, which if summoned into action, would raise them to elevate the world’s most honored and successful beings. By letting God be God, one touch of God’s favor is all that is necessary to arouse those dormant faculties. How different would the world be if people figured out how to tap into God’s infinite storehouse of power and then allowed that power to manifest itself through their daily lives? Robert L. Wallace, a successful author, entrepreneur, business consultant and ordained Church Elder, shares how the power of God can be activated in anyone’s life to do wonderful and amazing things. Utilizing a Bible-based success methodology, Wallace shares the tenets and provides a step-by-step approach on how to leverage God’s power to not only change individual lives but to in fact change the world.


More on Robert Wallace Publications


Black Wealth: Your Road to Small Business Success

Strategic Partnerships: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Joint Ventures and Alliances

The Ssese Principles: Guidelines For Creating Wealth Through Faith

Soul Food: 52 Principles For Black Entrepreneurial Success

Black Wealth Through Black Entrepreneurship

Pivot Point Intelligence: Managing Change. Accelerating Business Performance

Global Entrepreneurship: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Robert’s rags-to-riches story began in the Baltimore projects amidst poverty and racial segregation. Now, he shares his innovative strategies for success with other corporate and community leaders through his growing library of resources and his energetic keynote presentations and training workshops.


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