Providing better access and expanded service.

Over the past several months, our team has been hard at work redesigning our website to kick off 2018 with a new look. Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about Robert Wallace’s customized services and solutions, and provide a better way to connect with him.

Now you can instantly book Bob as a speaker, request a consultation with him, or visit the store  to purchase his books. We’ve also revamped the site navigation with new dropdown menus that organize our services and resources better. With mobile responsive design, we made it easy to navigate the new site from your smart phone, tablet, or any device.

The new website will provide you with all of the information you need to hire Bob, whether it’s speaking with your organization through a keynote presentation or workshop, or partnering with him more closely for training, coaching or consulting.

Going forward, we will continue to communicate regularly through our blog  as we post new articles and updates about Bob’s thought leadership. We plan to continue adding more video content, audio recordings,  and articles to share Bob’s insights and experiences with you.

We encourage you to bookmark and connect with us on FacebookYouTube, and Twitter to receive notifications when new content is added.

We hope you like the changes and find the information you’re looking for on our new website. Let us know what you think, and please contact us  if you have any questions.