Robert Wallace says he learned three lesson from two people: his grandfather and tech pioneer Steve Jobs.

  • Life is short.
  • You need build a sense of urgency in your life if you are going to accomplish great things.
  • We  must learn to work together and stay focused on what is important.

The Baltimore native founded and leads three companies; Bithenergy, an energy services company; Bithgroup Technologies Inc., an IT service provider; and EntreTeach Learning Systems LLC, providing web-based training for women and minorities.

He has written several books, serves as an in-demand speaker on the business circuit and helped establish Global Vessels, a faith-based nonprofit aiding humanitarian projects all over the world. He also serves on the board of the Greater Baltimore Committee.

As he looks over his tech career, family life and community leadership positions Wallace says he has taken the three lessons to heart and applied them in his personal and professional life.

Wallace has found three areas where people should focus on every single day–intensity of purpose, intensity of persevering and intensity of perspective.

 “Because I have learned in business and in life that if you and I can master the art of perspective then it will drive and give your perseverance and it will keep you focused on your purpose,” he says.