The 2 X 2 Principle

Wisdom to Take Away

  • The 2 X 2 principle dictates that in order to achieve certain business objectives (which require planning), you must first create the future (vision) and then work backward.
  • When working backward from the vision, it is important to work in a controlled and incremental fashion. At each level, the entrepreneur should ask,

When working backward from the vision, it is important to work in a controlled and incremental fashion. At each level, the entrepreneur should ask, “What must I do to achieve the task at hand?”  Work diligently to develop at least two answers (see Figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1   The 2 X2 Principle

These answers then become new nodes in the net­work of tasks that have to be completed in order to make the vision a reality. Continue to ask this same question at each level until you have developed a list of attainable tasks that can be worked on immediately and that will serve to propel you into the future. These attainable and discrete tasks, if defined in a detailed manner, become the building blocks for your business plan.

Wallace, R. (2000), Soul Food 52 Principles for Black Entrepreneurial Success, New York: Perseus Publishing

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