Starting Where You Are Principle

Wisdom for Today

  • Successful entrepreneurs lead lives full of continuous tension between the present and the future. These special people are grateful for what they have achieved, but they are always striving to do more. However, they understand that to get to the future, they must start with the present.
  • Some people under the mistaken assumption that “the grass is always greener….” This observation may or may not be true, but efficiency dictates that you must start the journey to your future from where you stand today.
  • Don’t wait until some special event has occurred before you start taking action to achieve your stated objectives. The future happens the moment you act. For example, don’t wait until your firm’s revenues reach a certain level before you attempt to seek out larger and more diverse clients. Go after them now. Don’t wait until you move to a bigger, nicer office before you hire more staff. Start the hiring process now. Whatever you deem the appropriate next steps, don’t delay; start where you are and move forward.

Wallace, R. (2000), Soul Food 52 Principles for Black Entrepreneurial Success, New York: Perseus Publishing

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