Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

Wisdom for Today

  • There have been many intelligent minority and female entrepreneurs throughout the history of America who have helped make our country the beacon of light to the world that it is. Certainly, the names of Madame C. J. Walker, James Forten, William Whippet, Stephen Smith, Reginald Lewis, C. Michael Gooden, Nathan Chapman, and Christopher Williams, to name a few, will go down in history as outstanding entrepreneurs. But alongside the many accolades they will receive will be the fact that their business accomplishments were not realized merely from their raw intelligence. Like every successful entrepreneur, they were forced to rely upon their own brainpower plus that of many other people.
  • Individuals do good things. Groups of individuals do great things.
  • Entrepreneurs must perfect the skill of allowing smart people to grow and prosper within their organization, and they must understand what it will take to retain these individuals.