Recently I delivered a sermon on something I called “desirable difficulty.” This term, first coined by my favorite author, Malcolm Gladwell, describes a situation that on the surface is untenable, but upon further analysis, may in fact end up being valuable.

In this scenario, there is often a residual asset that remains after the initial pain of the difficulty dissipates. On a personal level, I can relate to this phenomenon. Having been raised in poverty in South Baltimore, I learned to appreciate the taken for granted blessings of good health, food security, clean, fresh air, and strong cognitive skills. Without these blessings, life as we think of it becomes unbearable.

As a society, we are moving into some “desirable difficulty” moments. Our country is severely divided, world markets are tinkering on collapse, and a recession looms on the horizon. However, Bithgroup Technologies has always benefited from these desirable difficulty moments throughout its nearly 30-year history and we plan to continue finding the “value in difficulty.”  

Hold onto your hats. It is going to be some ride!