If you look at my job titles, you likely wouldn’t label me as a ‘creative’, but creativity is a driving force in my success. I write books and speeches about my story, I find creative solutions to real-world problems, and arguably, I recreate myself on a regular basis.

One of the reasons that our company has remained in business for more than three decades is our commitment to excellence and creativity. I have learned that the best way to nurture your creative talents is to fearlessly force yourself into challenging and difficult situations. From there, commit to find a solution and aggressively develop alliances and strategic partnerships with other companies to help you resolve that situation.  

Taking this 10-minute quiz was a fun way to acknowledge what attributes I should embrace and to consider what creative types I work best with. I invite you to take the test and let me know your results. We might be ‘Ideal Collaborators’ or even have the same creative style! #MyCreativeType