Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance Wisdom for Today There have been many intelligent minority and female entrepreneurs throughout the history of America who have helped make our country the beacon of light to the world that it is. Certainly, the names of...
Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

The Principle of Decision-Node Intelligence Wisdom for Today The principle of decision-node intelligence is related to a science called decision analysis. Decision analysis teaches how to analyze business options logically and then to assess which option to choose....
Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

The Boomerang Principle Wisdom for Today The boomerang principle is synonymous with the biblical principle of “as a man sows, so shall he reap.” As an entrepreneur, you will find that everything you do comes back at you in similar fashion. For example, if you give to...
Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

The Principles of Playing Dumb Wisdom for Today The principle of playing dumb is all about balance and instinct. The balancing happens when you want your customer to acknowledge and appreciate your high level of accomplishment and competence in your area of expertise...
Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

The Principle of Bidirectional Intelligence Flow Wisdom for Today Most companies, governments, and organizations in general have a hierarchical structure that is used to manage the entity. Each position in the company, though varied in size and function, plays a...
Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

Principles of Entrepreneurship Maintenance

Maintaining Congruence of Business and Values Wisdom for Today The almighty dollar isn’t. Many entrepreneurs send too much faith, time, and energy trying to appease the money god. Wealth can be either a blessing or a curse depending upon whether or not you must...