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Robert L. Wallace wins the “Unsung Hero Award” at the Small Business Association’s Award Ceremony

Robert L. Wallace wins the “Unsung Hero Award” at the Small Business Association’s Award Ceremony

On June 15, 2016 Dr. Robert L. Wallace was awarded the "Unsung Hero Award" at Small Business Association's Award Ceremony Luncheon. He received the award due to his unique approach to addressing economic hardships that loomed ahead of Bithgroup Technologies during the crash of 2008. Wallace was able to shift focus to new ventures, rather than lay off employees. This dynamic idea gave birth to Bithenergy, now one of Baltimore's leading Renewable Energy Companies. Below is an excerpt from the letter to the Small Business Association, nominating Wallace for the award. Since I began my tenure in 2004 I have watched Mr. Wallace lead our company...

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Bithgroup Founder and CEO, Robert L. Wallace receives the Joseph S. Tyler, Jr. Award

Bithgroup Founder and CEO, Robert L. Wallace receives the Joseph S. Tyler, Jr. Award

On Friday, June 3, 2016, Founder and Chief Operating Officer Robert L. Wallace of Bithgroup Technologies received the Joseph Tyler Award from the National Technical Association in recognition for his lifelong contributions to expanding the opportunities of minorities and minority youth in the technology arena. Dr. Wallace also delivered the key note speech entitled "Technology Entrepreneurship: The Key to Power" which focused on informing youth how they can better prepare themselves to leverage technology and the entrepreneurial spirit to participate in the global economy.  Bithgroup actively works with minority youth annually through...

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Dr. Robert Wallace spoke at the US News & World Report STEM Conference in Baltimore, MD

Dr. Robert Wallace spoke at the US News & World Report STEM Conference in Baltimore, MD

Dr. Wallace spoke at the US News & World Report STEM Conference yesterday in Baltimore, MD.  He was a panelist along with Diane Bell-McKoy, President and CEO, Associated Black Charities,  M.Jason Brooke, Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel of Vasoptic Medical, Donald C. Fry, president and Chief Executive Officer of Greater Baltimore Committee, Karl Gumtow, Chief Executive Officer of Cyber point International, and Jeff Salkin (serving as the Moderator) from Maryland Public Television news Anchor. The topic of the conference was- INDUSTRY OUTLOOK: EXPLORING Tomorrow's Job and Skills. When Mr. Salkin asked:...

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Dr. Robert Wallace is inducted into BWCC’s Business Hall of Fame

Dr. Robert Wallace is inducted into BWCC’s Business Hall of Fame

Dr. Robert Wallace is inducted into Baltimore Washington Corridor Chamber’s Business Hall of Fame. His induction, celebrated  during the BWCC’s Annual Meeting in Linthicum, Maryland May 11, 2016,  received a standing ovation. The keynote speaker,  Christopher Crane, President and CEO of the Exelon Corporation provided an outlook on the market sector and Exelon’s initiatives.   Additional speakers include Freeman Hrabowski and Ronald R. Peterson.  Other award recipients are Major F. Riddick, Jr. and The Berman Family.

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Black Enterprise Writes About Wallace’s Wealth Creation Formula

Black Enterprise Writes About Wallace’s Wealth Creation Formula

Robert L. Wallace, an engineer by training, has a formula that determines wealth creation: W=M x T x I/ R If you’re formula-phobic, W stands for wealth, M for material resources, T for technology, I for intelligence, R for resistance. You get W when you multiply the first three variables, then divide by R. [Related: Should You Ever Borrow From Your 401(k)?] If you’re a wealthy entrepreneur, you know the formula well. Wallace is an entrepreneur. He’s the founder and CEO of Bithgroup Technologies, a Baltimore-based company that provides information and technology solutions to corporations and government agencies. He is also a member of The...

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