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Spending Time with Mr. Jerome Avery at the 2022 Toyota Opportunity Exchange
I recently spoke at the 2022 Toyota Opportunity Exchange outside Detroit, Michigan. It was an honor to share with over 1,200 conference participants information from my fourth book, Strategic Partnerships: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Joint Ventures and Alliances. Toyota’s annual professional development and networking conference provides a dynamic forum to gain knowledge and to forge relationships with companies in the global Toyota supply chain. One of the highlights of my partnership with Toyota was spending time with another speaker at the event, Mr. Jerome Avery. Mr. Avery has been a guide runner with U.S. Paralympics since 2004 and has...

Racial Redlining and Environmental Challenges
As a child of a South Baltimore neighborhood that was created because of #racialredlining and impacted by various environmental challenges (e.g., waste incineration, landfill overflow, rat infestation), I was delighted to learn that DoE is investing in solutions that address the unique environmental challenges affecting the marginalized communities of Baltimore. Congrats to the Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative and to the University of Maryland, Baltimore County for receiving a multi-million-dollar grant!

A Letter to Who my New Book Is for
This book is for those who know they are on the verge of greatness but who struggle with how to get there. In a world where up is down, right is wrong, and even truth itself is being challenged, many feel powerless or stuck but want to change the world if only they were given a sign or direction. We need you to not give up and keep fighting for what is right and for what will transform this world. I hope this book affirms you, inspires you, and gives you the tools to unleash the power that God has already placed inside of you. Good luck, and always keep your head to the sky! RW. Get your copy of Let God Be God: Using God's Disruptive Power...

Steering young men away from a life with guns, a cover story on CBS Sunday Morning featuring Baltimore organization, Roca
I serve on the board of Roca, an organization that uses a unique approach to reduce crime in Baltimore and throughout the nation. Black Americans will experience 10 times the number of gun homicides than their white counterparts. I am proud to support Roca and share this story from CBS Sunday Morning that provides great insight into Roca’s ‘Relentless Outreach’ work with the young people in Baltimore that are at the highest risk. I encourage you to watch and learn the stories of these inspiring young men and the phenomenal work that Roca does for the community.

Black History Month
“As we begin the dawning of renewed recognition and appreciation for the contributions of African Americans, I hasten to remind all people of goodwill of their responsibility to never accept or acquiesce to hatred and evil. All it takes for evil to take root and prosper is for women and men of goodwill to remain docile and quiet in the face of injustice. We should, therefore, gird ourselves up to resist, to challenge, to fight, and ultimately to defeat any attempt to terrorize, discriminate, or disenfranchise any member of the family of humanity. Our resolve must be beyond question and reproach.” – Robert L. Wallace

Reflecting on the Loss of Congressman Elijah Cummings
Last Friday, I, along with leaders, icons, and dignitaries from around the nation gathered at The New Psalmist Baptist Church in Baltimore to say our final goodbyes to our fraternity brother and friend, the honorable Elijah Eugene Cummings, U.S. Representative of Maryland. A lot of things have been on my mind over this past week; I’ve been thinking about the importance of leadership, having lost congressman Cummings. More specifically, I’ve been thinking about the void of leadership in the government and in the Congress, and in society. There is a need for people who can lead to step up and be leaders and not be afraid and not be consumed...

Baltimore Women’s Advisory Board
I always feel an extreme sense of fulfillment and pride in the work that I’ve been able to do in the city of Baltimore through the Greater Baltimore Committee and more recently, Baltimore Women’s Advisory Board. Last week, I participated in a panel curated for female entrepreneurs within the city of Baltimore. During this discussion, myself along with other top executives in the city discussed our perspectives, experiences and best practices in cultivating a diverse and inclusive company culture. In this day and age, this topic is extremely important and relevant for entrepreneurs and executives across all industries. Having the...

Intrapreneurship: Leading Through Disruption
Everyone is talking about entrepreneurship these days. In fact, one could argue that it has become somewhat of a buzzword; an idea synonymous with an individual’s ability to innovate, create, and adapt. While not everyone is predestined to find their life calling in the startup world, applying some of the core entrepreneurial principles that propel these lean teams to success can be the difference between good and great within your organization. Last week, I led a training for the Department of Treasury on Intrapreneurial Leadership. Intrapreneurship, or an emphasis on employees of a company cultivating and maintaining many of the key...

5 Critical Lessons in Building Effective and Sustainable Business Alliances & Strategic Partnerships
In advance of my upcoming participation on the “Art of the M&A Deal” panel during U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. 2019 National Conference, I’ve revisited one of my most relevant books, Strategic Partnerships: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Joint Ventures and Alliances. Over the past two years alone, more than an estimated 20,000 corporate alliances have been formed worldwide. Such strategic alliances can provide business owners with long-term security, new revenue channels, and, often, the anchor needed to maintain stability in otherwise turbulent waters. A successful joint venture can open the door to a world of future partnership...

Protecting Your Personal Information in the Digital Age
What goes through your mind when you see a sign for ‘Free Wifi’ in an airport, train or your favorite local café? Is it something along the lines of “Yes Please! ‘Terms & Conditions’? No thanks *Clicks Connect*”? It’s okay; for better or for worse, this seems to be the world in which we now live. Consider this: with the click of a button, we can instantly connect to another human being on the other side of the globe! It’s only natural that we get excited any time we find easy {free} access to this digital life line. No matter which way you slice it, innovation has made modern digital technology an indispensable tool; but like any tool,...